Congratulations! You’ve landed a sales new role.
Now what? – if it’s been a while since you’ve changed companies here’s a few tips to help you set yourself up for success in your first month.
#1 Get to know your customers. Get straight to understanding precisely who you are selling to and what their goals are! Research any existing clients and businesses your company is targeting - read up on their industry sectors. Learn everything you can about your buyers and their demographics and get crystal clear on who your ideal customers are and why they would need your product or service.
#2 – Learn about the " Real Value" of your products and services Familiarise yourself with your company's value proposition, products, and services and most importantly why customers buy – go deep here because context matters greatly and the reasons why people buy a product or service are not always obvious, the goal is to get an accurate understanding of the true value proposition and key differentiators.
A couple of ways to do this1. Ask your manager to introduce you to existing clients so you can do a quick interview to understand exactly why it is they partnered with your organisation.
2. Familiarise yourself with relevant case studiesIf you have access to them, dive into customer case studies to understand the critical problems your product or service has solved for customers.
#3 – Build a target list Using your initial research of existing clients and the potential business your company is already targeting, research linked in and build a list of prospects to contact. If you can, use Sales Navigator it has great functionality for list building and accessing potential customers. Pick the logos or clients you want to work with and set some goals. If you have an extensive network, create a list of contacts that would benefit from your products or services or may be able to refer you to your ideal buyers/ customers.
Make sure you pick people you know, like and trust for your initial meetings. They will most likely give you good advice and feedback and perhaps even become your first customers.
There's 3 tips to get started – more to follow….
Remember - be proactive and don’t leave it up to someone else to create the conditions for your success, you’ve got this 😊